We Buy Small Businesses

Siddis Group LLC, established in 2015, employs a value-added investment strategy focusing on lower middle market enterprises across various sectors including home services, HVAC, energy, e-commerce, and B2B services. Our seasoned team of experts posses both strategic and operational industry expertise across key growth sectors. Currently, Siddis Group LLC maintains active investments in HVAC, bioscience, food labeling technology, appliance leasing, and SaaS sectors.

Siddis Group LLC has a proven track record of fostering transformation and enhancing business expansion.

Founder/Managing Partner Niklas James

Connect with us

We welcome the opportunity to connect, and will provide quick and thoughtful feedback. If a business is not a fit for us, we will utilize our network to find partners that may be better suited for the opportunity 

Business Owners

We welcome the opportunity to connect, and will provide quick and thoughtful feedback. If a business in not a fit for us, we will utilize our network to find partners that may be better suited for the opportunity.


At Siddis Group we reward our network of intermediaries with the opportunity to earn a 1% fee. We strive to create win-win situations, and this is a way to show our appreciation to our partners for introductions to business owners that lead to closed transactions.


Siddis Group is open to onboarding capital providers who are interested in investment opportunities. If you’d like to learn more about these opportunities and how you can get involved, connect with us today.


We screen prospective acquisition targets to match our investment guidelines.